Lamplighter Legacy Fund

Investing in a vision bigger than ourselves means that we look for ways that are in keeping with our values. We created this not-for-profit portion of our business, Lamplighter Legacy Fund, which uses 90% of its funds for direct services .

In addition to personally funding this cause, we have a  program in place that matches our values of preventing disease by inspiring others like you to shop safer and save. Through this program we help others "shop healthier and save money ". Every time they shop, our fund receives a 5% return on their shopping.

If your organization would like to learn more about our shop and save vehicle or if you are inspired to learn more about shopping safer, saving  and contributing to caregiver children of parents who suffer from Alzheimer's disease or cancer CLICK HERE and I will personally contact you.

“If giving and receiving are endemic to a life of prosperity, finding ways to give and receive are essential and our Lamplighter Legacy Fund was born of that desire.”
Cynthia Imondi Mitchell

Our Inspiration

Lamplighter Legacy Fund takes its namesake from the line in a poem that I read while at the Avow Hospice when I was keeping vigil for my father.  My dad was in the “lighting” business most of his life.  So it was with no surprise when I opened a book in the hospice chapel that I found a reflection that read,  “The lamplighter has gone on to another room and how you know that he has, is by the light he has lit in the hearts of those he loved”.  Much like I had observed in the lives of the cancer patients with whom I worked, more than a decade ago, the disease of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s head taken his body and mind, yet his spirit of light would live on forever.

Lamplighter Legacy Fund is one vehicle through which our business gives back to bless the lives of those who have enhanced the lives of these others.  All sales of our TFWM book and our proceeds from the Time Gifter’s Journal will be donated to the Lamplighter Legacy Fund along with our on-going contributions to this fund.

We believe in giving time talent and treasure to this cause of caring for our caregivers – especially those challenged by Alzheimer’s disease