Calming the Storms in our Minds


This week, I was able to visit one of my favorite Unity churches and stay for the   evening meditation.The music was extraordinary as usual, and that too allowed me to quiet  my mind  and "enter into Divine Presence of God".

The reflection that followed the meditation had us address the storms in our life and focus upon the "swirling" around inside we experience when we are caught up in them.

I've taken time to enjoy summer this summer, after all, my goal when I started my new business 12 years ago was to create time freedom as well as financial freedom and now it is time to enjoy the fruit of our labor.

Having time freedom, after years of prioritizing work,is a blessing, but for me not without its challenges.

I am constantly drawn into the chatter in my mind that drove me to work in the first place.

Now I am setting a new standard for those who like me have generated time freedom as to how to ease into embracing that gift.

In the days , years ahead, I will be walking upon a new path,almost counter cultural for me,blending the opportunity for time freedom with the opportunity to help my colleagues, many of them boomers like I am , create the same in their lives.

Here's to "Calm the storms" in your lives.May we all  be given the Grace to recognize them as a call to a deeper knowing of our values and priorities-and of course, time for what matters.